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  • Absorption of Palm Fruit : The 12 Month Biological Journey

    February 06, 2020 7 min read

    Absorption of Palm Fruit : The 12 Month Biological Journey

    Written by Eric Potratz

    In this article we will follow the palm fruit phytonutrients through the human body.

    This article will focus on the fat soluble phytonutrients: tocotrienols and carotenoids. We will move through digestion, circulation, and biological tissues. You will see where and when these phytonutrients appear in the body and a few of their unique actions.


    After 1 hour : Digesting & Absorbing

    The phytonutrients in Palm Fruit are fat soluble, so they require fat to be properly absorbed. (1) For ideal absorption at least 5 g of fat should be consumed with the capsules. This will trigger the digestive tract to release bile, which helps dissolve the phytonutrients for optimal absorption. (1,2)

    Within 1-2 hours the phytonutrients will begin passing through the intestinal walls, where they will begin absorbing into the circulatory system(s). (3-5)

    The phytonutrients travel through circulation for 6-12 hours before they reach the target tissues

    After 6 hours : Circulating in the Blood

    Once the fat soluble phytonutrients pass through the intestinal tissue, they take two routes of transportation (6) –

    1. Lymphatic circulation: This pathway allows the phytonutrients to bypass the liver, and diffuse directly into the bloodstream.
    2. Portal venous circulation: This pathway takes the antioxidants directly to the liver. Once in the liver, the antioxidants are either stored, excreted, or released into blood circulation.

    Once in circulation, the phytonutrients get packed into fat or cholesterol particles (e.g., chylomicrons, LDL, HDL, etc.) which act as vehicles for transporting the phytonutrients throughout the body. (6) Regardless of the pathway, the phytonutrients travel through circulation for 6-12 hours before they reach their ultimate destination; our living cells.


    After 1 day : Reaching Target Organs

    Within 24 hours the phytonutrients reach all major organs in the body, (5) but it takes several weeks for the concentration to build up high enough to start producing a positive effect.

    Lets skip ahead a few weeks and get to the exciting stuff.

    Phytonutrients incorporate into the newly formed skin cells in the dermis which replace older skin cells as the new cells push upwards.


    After 4 weeks : Penetrating Cell Tissue

    All organs in the body absorb fat soluble phytonutrients to some extent, but tocotrienol and carotenoid molecules are attracted to circulatory and skin tissue more than other tissues because of their specific biological composition. (7-9) The antioxidant protection against free radical damage is one of the first benefits to be achieved from Palm Fruit supplementation –

    Circulatory tissue: In blood vessels, the phytonutrients are absorbed into the endothelial tissue. (10) In this inner vessel tissue, which also holds embedded cholesterol particles, the phytonutrients immediately relieve several points of free radical stress in the vessel wall –

    • Reduces cholesterol mutation; reducing plaque formation (11-12)
    • Extends activity of nitric oxide; improving dilation of vessels (13)
    • Reduces AGEs; improving dilation of vessels (14)

    Skin tissue: The blood capillaries deliver phytonutrients to the dermis; where new skin cells are generated and enriched with phytonutrients. After 6-8 weeks, the newly enriched skin cells will have replaced the older skin cells throughout the dermis and epidermis, leading to several improvements –

    • Imparts carotenoid coloration; improving skin pigmentation (15)
    • Protects the cellular membrane; increasing skin hydration (16)
    • Reduces sun (UV) damage; preventing collagen breakdown (17)

    Hair follicles: Blood capillaries feed the phytonutrients directly into the root of the hair follicle which contains the fastest generating cells in the human body, and thus a significant amount of free radicals. (18) The phytonutrients immediately begin clearing out this abundance of free radicals, which has the following effects –

    • Eliminates free radical interference; prolonging the growth phase (18)
    • Prevents fat & protein oxidation; improving nutrient assimilation (19)
    • Protects melanocytes; preventing greying of hair (19)


    After 12 weeks : Activating Cell Functions

    After 12 weeks, the phytonutrients reach a sufficient concentration within the cells to begin influencing cell behavior. (20-22) Optimizing cell behavior extends beyond the antioxidant action and involves direct action upon cell receptors; triggering the production of various enzymes, peptides, and hormones. Here are some of the effects –

    Circulatory tissue:

    • Increases APOA-1; removing plaque from arteries (20)
    • Increases CRP; supporting optimal blood flow (20)
    • Reduces VCAM-1; preventing artery plaque formation (21)

    Skin tissue:

    • Increases collagen synthesis; improving skin firmness (22)
    • Optimizes PPAR; improving skin moisturization (23,24)
    • Lowers MMP; preserving skin elasticity (17)

    Hair follicles:

    • Reduces IL-1b; reducing hair loss (21,25)
    • Increases PPARy; protecting hair follicle (23,26)
    • Reduces TGF-B1; preventing hair follicle death (14,27)


    After 6 months : Reversing DNA Damage

    DNA contains the instructions for the structure and function of our cells. The integrity of our DNA directly impacts our health and appearance. (28-30) Aging is a result of slowly accumulated DNA damage, and individuals who appear older, have a higher degree of DNA damage. (32) Therefore, preventing or reversing DNA damage can minimize or reverse signs of aging.

    After 3-6 months, tocotrienols and carotenoids reach a critical concentration around the DNA –

    • Reduces strand breaks; reducing DNA damage (30,31)
    • Rejoins DNA strand breaks; repairing DNA (28,29)
    • Increases PARP; enhancing DNA repair (28)


    After 12 months : Keeping the Body Protected

    After 12 months, the palm fruit tocotrienols and carotenoids reach their optimal concentration throughout all organs in the body. (8)

    Continuing to dose Palm Fruit will ensure the repair and & regenerative benefits are maintained, while continuing to slow the aging process in the future. (30)


    If you haven’t already, be sure to get started on our Palm Fruit Subscription Plan. It’s a great way to ensure you have a consistent supply shipped to your door each month. Shipping is always free and you will pay a discounted price of only $39.99 per month.

    I hope you enjoy the journey.


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